Oakland Bans Criminal Background Checks on Renters
Big news for both renters and landlords in Oakland—the City Council unanimously approved an ordinance banning landlords from inquiring about potential tenant's criminal history or rejecting them based on having a criminal record.
Foreign Investors Putting $$$ in US Real Estate
As coronavirus outbreaks spread across the world, investors are turning to US real estate as the more seemingly stable and safe place to park their money.
Grocery Store Wars
ATTOM Data Solutions, the company that holds the premier U.S. property database, released its annual 2020 Grocery Store Wars analysis, which shows that living near certain stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or ALDI, can largely impact home appreciation.
Trends of the S&P
While I'm all for the boring and unsexy investment strategy of maxing out my Roth-IRA contributions year after year for the next many years, I'm just going to leave this chart here as a note to self to buy a little extra during the next dip.
2021 Breaking All the Real Estate Records
Low interest rates, housing shortage, everyone working from home, etc etc etc., all of which came together to create the perfect storm for another record-breaking year in real estate.
Building a cottage in your Berkeley yard? Just tell your neighbors.
Anyone else read the word “cottage” and think of a quaint little home surrounded by wildflowers in the middle of a forest? No? Just me? Ok cool.
Owning a Home Made More Money Than Your Actual Job
According to Zillow, 2021 U.S. homeowners made more money on average from home appreciation than the median worker earned from their job.
Flipping Could Cost More $$$
Do you binge-watch Flip or Flop and all the HGTV shows and now aspire to flip houses yourself?
Strip Malls Are the New Housing
If you've ever driven along the El Camino Real from San Francisco to San Jose, you’ve probably noticed the seemingly endless stretch of parking lots and strip malls that line the entire route.