Howard Terminal: The Port’s Next Big Glow-Up?
After a few false starts (remember when Howard Terminal was supposed to be the new home of the A’s? womp womp), the Port has launched a fresh strategic plan for 2025-2030, and developers are very interested.
To the suburbs we go!
Once upon a time, millennials were willing to sacrifice a few stimulus checks (and then some) on each month's rent to live in a closet-sized apartment just to be part of the hustle and bustle of a city.
Pricey Cities Become Cheaper, Cheaper Cities Get Expensive
Covid has had an interesting effect on rental markets, with housing becoming cheaper in the country’s most expensive cities (San Francisco, New York City, Boston, San Jose, and Oakland to name the top 5), while getting pricier in more historically affordable areas.
How Weed is Pushing Out Oakland Artists
Before the legalization of recreational marijuana, industrial warehouse properties in Oakland were largely being used by artists to curate and host events or create large scale projects.
To stay in the city, or not to stay in the city?
With big companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Shopify setting the trend for employees to work from home forever-ish, potential home buyers are wondering why they're living in a pricey city to be close to work when work is actually just their dining table most days anyway.
The Gas We Pass
In an effort to build a cleaner and healthier city, Oakland City Council just banned natural gas in all new buildings.
You Get What You Pay For
Which house would you buy if you had an extra $1.5million lying around?
Flipping Could Cost More $$$
Do you binge-watch Flip or Flop and all the HGTV shows and now aspire to flip houses yourself?
Affordable Housing is Not So Affordable
The average U.S. home costs $240,000. But in San Francisco, a two-bedroom apartment costs around $750,000 to build.
Bart's New Plan
BART has now approved a development project at the West Oakland Station that will include 762 housing units (!!!) with more than 30% of units being marked specifically for affordable housing.