Tech Giants Are Fixing the Problems They Started
Ever since leading tech companies Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google all landed on the West Siiiide (did you say that in your best Tupac voice?), affordable housing has been nearly impossible to find.
Affordable Housing is Not So Affordable
The average U.S. home costs $240,000. But in San Francisco, a two-bedroom apartment costs around $750,000 to build.
Strip Malls Are the New Housing
If you've ever driven along the El Camino Real from San Francisco to San Jose, you’ve probably noticed the seemingly endless stretch of parking lots and strip malls that line the entire route.
Rethinking Single Family Living
Looks like single-family neighborhoods are about to get a whole lot more crowded. Bay Area cities are starting to allow the construction of multi-family units like in-laws and fourplexes in residential areas.
Regular People Get to Buy Homes First
Under a new measure approved by Governor Gavin Newsom, local governments, affordable housing groups, and tenants will get first dibs in buying foreclosed homes
Bart's New Plan
BART has now approved a development project at the West Oakland Station that will include 762 housing units (!!!) with more than 30% of units being marked specifically for affordable housing.