Howard Terminal: The Port’s Next Big Glow-Up?
After a few false starts (remember when Howard Terminal was supposed to be the new home of the A’s? womp womp), the Port has launched a fresh strategic plan for 2025-2030, and developers are very interested.
Kaiser Project Gets Cancelled
In non-Corona-related news (does that even exist anymore?), Kaiser cancelled their plans to build out a 1.6 million square foot tower due to delays and the ever-increasing costs of construction and project-related fees
Credit Karma Moves to Oakland
In the midst of the biggest growing phases in downtown Oakland history, another tech giant is hopping on the bandwagon and making the move!
What happens when Americans stay in the same house forever?
Besides record low inventory levels and increasing lack of affordability for buyers?
The Gas We Pass
In an effort to build a cleaner and healthier city, Oakland City Council just banned natural gas in all new buildings.
Affordable Housing is Not So Affordable
The average U.S. home costs $240,000. But in San Francisco, a two-bedroom apartment costs around $750,000 to build.
Strip Malls Are the New Housing
If you've ever driven along the El Camino Real from San Francisco to San Jose, you’ve probably noticed the seemingly endless stretch of parking lots and strip malls that line the entire route.
Rethinking Single Family Living
Looks like single-family neighborhoods are about to get a whole lot more crowded. Bay Area cities are starting to allow the construction of multi-family units like in-laws and fourplexes in residential areas.
Bart's New Plan
BART has now approved a development project at the West Oakland Station that will include 762 housing units (!!!) with more than 30% of units being marked specifically for affordable housing.