House the market, you ask?
After a brutal couple months (which equates to 250937 days in corona years), stats show that the housing market could actually be leading the economy's recovery.
Rising Rates Get Cancelled
Remember when interest rates hit a recent low of about 3.29% a few weeks ago?
Interest Rates Go Down as Corona Count Goes Up
In hopes of protecting the economy from this whole coronavirus fiasco, the Fed just slashed interest rates this week and they are now at a record low of 3.29%!
Fannie and Freddie Increase Loan Limits
Thanks to rising home prices, conforming loan limits just got a boost. Compared to last year's loan limit of $726,525, most of the Bay Area can now borrow up to $765,600 with a mortgage backed by my two favorite F-words........
Why Is Now a Good Time to Buy?
In 2017, Business Insider writer Sam Dogen (also renowned author of my favorite finance and real estate blog Financial Samurai) became a stay-at-home dad after he sold his SF rental property for $2.75 million, leaving him with a $1.8 million profit after paying off the mortgage, taxes, and fees. Umm, can we say GOALS? Now a couple years later, he wants to buy property in SF again.
WWJD (What Would Janet Do?)
Janet, as in Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve (see confused lady pictured above for reference).
2021 Zillow Predictions
Demand for housing has continued to rapidly grow throughout 2020, and it is only expected to surge even further as economies reopen in 2021.
2021 Breaking All the Real Estate Records
Low interest rates, housing shortage, everyone working from home, etc etc etc., all of which came together to create the perfect storm for another record-breaking year in real estate.
Owning a Home Made More Money Than Your Actual Job
According to Zillow, 2021 U.S. homeowners made more money on average from home appreciation than the median worker earned from their job.